Benefits of Working Standing to Lose Weight

Benefits of Working Standing to Lose Weight

Did you know that only by working while standing can you lose weight? Let's find out the reason.

Have you ever thought about standing for a few hours in the office to lose weight? If not, then now is the time to start considering it.

When you plan to lose weight, of course exercise is important. Proverbial, the body can not be slim by only regulating a healthy diet but also must keep exercising. Even just standing for a few hours can actually help you burn calories you know. Very surprising, right?

This latest research will convince you to leave your chair and choose to stand in front of your desk. How can standing while working help you lose weight?

We all know that sitting all day not only causes weight gain but also affects other health problems. Sitting all day in front of a laptop even risks accelerating aging. This happens because a lifestyle that doesn't allow the body to move makes things worse.

Sitting throughout the day certainly contributes to the accumulation of fat around our internal organs. Now, so as not to sit all day in the office but lazy to go outside, then standing can be a solution in the fight against fat accumulation in the body.

How many calories can you burn in a day just by standing?

According to research led by Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez from preventive cardiology at the Mayo Clinic, standing does burn more calories than when you sit down. The survey was conducted on more than a thousand people.

By standing, a person burns about 0.15 more calories per minute. This means that a person weighing 65 kg will lose 54 calories if he stands for 6 hours every day.

The average person sits around 13 hours a day and sleeps 8 hours. This means 21 hours of physical inactivity in a day. So, if you want to lose weight and stay in shape, try standing up more often. KmU can try to stand for several hours in the office while working.

some people may not know the various health we do not know the example
like this with just us standing alone can lose weight really things are not
not knowing something as small as that can be useful for us, hopefully this information can be useful
thank you all.
Baca Juga
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